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 Sujet du message: Amertis under Windows 7
MessagePosté: Jeu 31 Déc 2009 12:24 
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Inscription: Jeu 24 Déc 2009 12:18
Messages: 993
Note to all Windows 7 users : although the game has been tested and run successfully with this OS, some configurations seem to raise issues. Unfortunately, we can’t test Amertis.exe under a more recent OS, but here’s some advice in case of problems.

First, know that you can have a full screen view: all you need to do is check the shortcut properties and set to “execute in a normal window”.

If you still have problems, you can always launch the game like the Linux users, that is:
- open the index.swf file if you have a Flash Player installed as such on your computer (not just a plug-in)
- or open the index.html file. The game will start in your favourite browser. Don’t worry about the small window that will open to warn you : it’s just that your browser isn’t used to browsing inside your computer, but it won’t hurt it one bit!

Also, don’t worry if the file doesn’t unzip: this file is Mac specific and of no use to you.
I also advise against using the unzipper contained in Windows: it doesn’t always deal correctly with the file paths. You should rather use a free unzipper such as Winzip, which works fine.

Enjoy the game!

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