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 Sujet du message: chief's wife
MessagePosté: Jeu 9 Sep 2010 10:49 
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Inscription: Jeu 9 Sep 2010 10:40
Messages: 6
i can't talk with the chief's wife. i have a "hand cursor" but i can't aproach her. maybe a problem with my game instalation? everything else works right. Is she the lady in front of the house, in a dwarves group, with a purple hat, isn't she??

 Sujet du message: Re: chief's wife
MessagePosté: Jeu 9 Sep 2010 11:48 
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Inscription: Jeu 24 Déc 2009 12:18
Messages: 993
Hello Paula! Everything is OK with your installation and you recognized the chief's wife, but you can talk to her only if you're invited to. First, you have to speak to the chief about Petro. If he saw her before your coming, he will answer you to speak with his wife. If he didn't see her, you have to wait and do something else.

 Sujet du message: Re: chief's wife
MessagePosté: Jeu 9 Sep 2010 15:30 
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Inscription: Jeu 9 Sep 2010 10:40
Messages: 6
After i posted i saw another post and understand... so i will travel to another world and then i will come back. nice game, i like it very much... :coucou:

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