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 Sujet du message: Carrie's island
MessagePosté: Ven 11 Fév 2011 18:59 
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Inscription: Ven 11 Fév 2011 18:51
Messages: 1
Hi there,
don't know if this forum keeps working still but im gonna give it a try
i need a certain help in Carrie's island cause im having a problem in order to take the book shes giving to me because of the monkey,etc
its like,ive been doing everything and respecting the whole package of rules and so on,but this time i really do not understand whats the real problem
I mean,i've talked to her about the captured monkey and she told me to put it in another island and then to thanks me told me to take the book in the table next to her,but theres no way for me to take it,theres no "hand" when I click on it

hope you can help me out cause I really want to keep on playing this game
it is simply amazaing!


 Sujet du message: Re: Carrie's island
MessagePosté: Ven 11 Fév 2011 20:12 
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Inscription: Jeu 24 Déc 2009 18:37
Messages: 1197
Hi Oliver :welcome:
It's really amazing, because it's the first time somebody has this problem... The first thing I think about this is that your downloaded game is corrupted somewhere. Then, just try this : download Amertis a second time, put the first one in the trash and install the second one. Don't be afraid, all your saves will be kept and useful.
Just tell us if it works. Razibuszouzou and I stay in touch on this forum ;)

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