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 Sujet du message: fireplace in the house
MessagePosté: Dim 10 Jan 2010 21:17 
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Inscription: Dim 10 Jan 2010 19:10
Messages: 7
Localisation: florida USA
How do I get the paper off the fireplace. Used the knife but it didn't work. What else do i need. Thanks
kjos :chsaispas:

Dernière édition par kjos le Lun 11 Jan 2010 23:42, édité 1 fois.

 Sujet du message: Re: fireplace in the house
MessagePosté: Dim 10 Jan 2010 21:32 
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Inscription: Jeu 24 Déc 2009 18:37
Messages: 1197
How did you use the knife, Kjos ? If it was by dragging, it doesn't work, no.
To use an item, just select it (it comes up, left side) and then click where your want to use this item ;)

On the beginning, you have a lot of instructions on the website (drawer "instructions").
And be careful with your saves too. Open the drawer "Download" and read the content carefully :)

 Sujet du message: Re: fireplace in the house
MessagePosté: Dim 10 Jan 2010 21:44 
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Inscription: Dim 27 Déc 2009 09:13
Messages: 54
I think I know what Richard's problem is (or was, maybe he has solved it by now ?). I'm sure Rodrigue said something when you tried to use the knife on the cardboard (something about talking to somebody else about it first, OK ?). You must listen to what the guy says (or read the english subtitles), monologues and dialogues play an important part in the game (otherwise, why bother translating them, hey ? :ange: )

 Sujet du message: Re: fireplace in the house
MessagePosté: Dim 10 Jan 2010 22:17 
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Inscription: Dim 10 Jan 2010 19:10
Messages: 7
Localisation: florida USA
The knife worked real good. Thanks
kjos :champion:

Dernière édition par kjos le Lun 11 Jan 2010 23:42, édité 1 fois.

 Sujet du message: Re: fireplace in the house
MessagePosté: Dim 10 Jan 2010 22:19 
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Inscription: Jeu 24 Déc 2009 12:18
Messages: 993
YES !!! :D

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