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 Sujet du message: Amulet or Medallion: Manual
MessagePosté: Mer 30 Déc 2009 18:25 
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Inscription: Dim 27 Déc 2009 09:13
Messages: 54
I realize that many players do not see all the possibilities of this object. :hum:

You've found (or will find) this amulet at the beginning of the game, in the House.
Examine it a moment when you discover it : it has a center stone, which symbolizes the House, and 4 stones around it, one for each World, all 4 stones dull at first.
This amulet will be, when properly "charged", your ticket back and forth between the house and the worlds "registered" in the memory of the stones of the amulet. Whichever world you're on, a simple click at the center of the amulet will send you back home, as the lifeline tied to an astronaut's belt in the Space Shuttle.
So, the House is a fixed point and starting point for each world ... provided you have properly installed this (these) lifeline(s) (i.e. charged the amulet).

So, if you feel stuck on a world, no need to get :nuage: or :mad: , or even :R
In fact, you may sometimes think that the situation is blocked. You may not yet have met (or revisited) the right person or found the right object. But it may also be that Petro has not yet been on the world you're currently on...
So, why not go somewhere else to look for her ? :ange:

You will always know fairly quickly if Pétro has already been on a world, because she always leaves traces of her passage :S

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